19° 12' 6" N
98° 47' 53" E
Yan-Sha, regarded as the progenitor of the Sha, is an ancient entity revered in Grey Hollow. This venerable creature holds a place of profound honor and respect as a lifebringer, with its existence intertwined with the very essence of Grey Hollow's diverse ecosystem. Yan-Sha's origins are steeped in the lore of the Hollow, emerging from a series of rapid and complex hybridizations that have rendered it a unique amalgamation of life forms.
Yan-Sha's role as a lifebringer is not merely symbolic. Its presence has a tangible impact on the environment, fostering growth and vitality in the flora and fauna of Grey Hollow. The creature's body, a testament to the myriad of life forms it embodies, is a subject of intense study for those who seek to understand the processes of hybridization and the potential for biogenesis in the Hollow. Researchers and scholars are particularly fascinated by Yan-Sha's ability to thrive and sustain itself in such a multifaceted form, drawing parallels to the adaptive and resilient nature of Grey Hollow's ecosystem.
Subject 6D: Simulacra by Roha