19° 6' 51" N
98° 48' 18" E
The Aphix Mutation represents a stunning example of the seamless integration of plant, animal, and machine within a single organism. These immobile entities are characterized by their intricate circuit-like patterns that pulsate with energy, indicating the flow of their internal processes. These pulsations are not merely aesthetic; they serve to alter the chemical makeup of the geologies around them, thus impacting the environment in profound ways.

These organisms appear to be the product of a highly advanced form of hybridization, where natural evolution and technological innovation intersect. The Aphix Mutation's capacity to influence its surroundings suggests a symbiotic relationship with the environment, wherein the organism modifies its habitat to better suit its needs and, in return, possibly offers benefits to the ecosystem.

The presence of these beings in Grey Hollow, a place known for its unique biodiversity and the allure of rare mutations, attracts researchers and merchants alike. Their study offers valuable insights into the potentials of bio-technical integration and the future of such hybrid species. The Aphix Mutation, with its static yet impactful existence, stands as a testament to the possibilities of merging organic and synthetic life.

Subject 4A: Simulacra by Roha
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